Applications and benefits
OpSim can be used to develop and test smart grid controller prototypes, before they are applied in laboratory and field tests (“controller-in-the-loop” testing).
OpSim can be used to develop and test smart grid controller prototypes, before they are applied in laboratory and field tests (“controller-in-the-loop” testing).
In the SecVer project, a grid optimizer was created in Python to control hardware components (batteries, diesel-genset, photovoltaic inverter) in a medium voltage laboratory grid. The optimizer’s goal was to reach an optimal operating condition of the laboratory grid. Before this lab test, the optimizer was tested in OpSim with simulated voltage problems; its control decisions improved the voltage of the simulated grid.
F. Marten, S. Wende-von Berg, M. Vogt, C. Töbermann.
Testing an IEC 61850 compliant voltage control algorithm for Smart Grids, using a real-time simulation.
In the Q-Studie II project, an innovative reactive power control concept for distribution grids was investigated. A prototype controller was designed in Python and was tested in offline and real-time operation in a simulated grid environment within OpSim, before commissioning to the field test.
H. Wang, T. Stetz, F. Marten, M. Kraiczy, S. Schmidt, C. Bock, M. Braun.
Controlled Reactive Power Provision at the Interface of Medium- and High Voltage Level: First Laboratory Experiences for a Bayernwerk Distribution Grid using Real-Time-Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation