Research Projects


Integration of
Wind Energy Plants
and Farms


Energy Economics and System Analysis


Smart Grids


Bioenergy System


Integration of
Photovoltaic Systems


Integration of

Marine Energy Plants


Other Research Activities

  •  / January 01, 1991 - December 31, 2020

    Wind Energy Report Germany

    Fraunhofer IEE Wind Energy Report Germany describes the development of wind energy in Germany based on numerous stats and figures. Additionally, the report provides insights into the present situation of wind energy use worldwide and gives relevant background information to the latest issues in the wind energy sector. Topics covered include: • Wind in the renewable energy mix o Situation in Germany o Growth of wind energy worldwide • Grid integration o Wind energy feed-in 2012 o Grid operation and grid expansion • Onshore o Technical developments o Wind conditions o Operating results Legal and financial boundary conditions • Offshore o The expansion of offshore wind energy o Technical developments o Wind conditions o Operating results o Legal and financial boundary conditions

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  •  / January 01, 2004 - December 31, 2020

    Internationaler Windenergiekurs

    IWES bietet Aus- und Weiterbildungskurse zum gesamten Themenbereich solarer Energieversorgungssysteme an. Dank eines modularen Kurssystems können die Weiterbildungsangebote vom Tagesseminar bis zum mehrmonatigen Intensivtraining flexibel an die Wünsche und Vorgaben der Auftraggeber angepasst werden.

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  •  / January 01, 2010 - December 31, 2050


    About 40% of final energy consumption in Germany will take place in and around buildings. Heating, cooling, hot water and the operation of electric devices are doing the most important areas - in the future probably also increasingly electric vehicles. The Open Gateway Energy Management Alliance (OGEMA) is an open software platform for energy management in this area.

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  •  / January 01, 2013 - June 30, 2017


    The project comprises the development and testing of a novel pumped storage concept for storing large amounts of electrical energy offshore. This marine pumped storage concept utilizes the sea itself as upper storage reservoir and a hollow sphere on the seabed as the lower storage reservoir. Water is being pumped out of the sphere during pumping/charging operation and water flows back into the sphere and drives a turbine coupled to a generator during generation/discharging operation.

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