Die Datenbank "Fraunhofer-Publica" dokumentiert die Publikationen und Patente, die aus der Forschungstätigkeit der Fraunhofer-Institute resultieren.
In der untenstehenden Liste finden Sie die Veröffentlichungen des Fraunhofer IEE und die Links zu den Veröffentlichungen aus dem Jahr 2019.
Elektronisch vorhandene Dokumente können Sie direkt aus der Fraunhofer Publica-Datenbank im Volltext abrufen.
Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2019 | Verfahren und System für einen Systemwiederaufbau eines Onshore-Netzes Akbulut, Alev; Becker, Holger; Hennig, Tobias; Mende, Denis; Naranovich, Akim; Stock, David Sebastian |
Patent |
2019 | Sizing and Improved Grid Integration of Residential PV Systems With Heat Pumps and Battery Storage Systems Appen, J. von; Braun, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | PV-DIESEL. Systemoptimierung und Betriebsstrategien für universell einsetzbare, skalierbare PV-Diesel-Kraftwerke der Multimegawatt-Klasse für den weltweiten Einsatz zur Dieselsubstitution durch Photovoltaik Arnold, G.; Niedermeyer, F.; Hof, M.; Montoya-Perez, J.A.; Bopp, G.; Reiners, N.; Wüllner, J. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Participant Highlights Germany 2019 Berkhout, Volker |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Windenergie Report Deutschland 2018 Berkhout, Volker; Bisevic, André; Claußner, Michael; Dörenkämper, Martin; Durstewitz, Michael; Faulstich, Stefan; Görg, Philip; Große, Laura; Hahn, Berthold; Huneke, Fabian; Kuhl, Detlef; Lutz, Marc-Alexander; Mayer, Jochen; Mergner, Julia; Noonan, Miriam; Pfaffel, Sebastian; Rehwald, Florian; Schmidt, Jonas; Spriestersbach, Susann; Stoevesandt, Bernhard; Vollmer, Lukas |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Wind OPEX in Germany and Denmark Berkhout, Volker; Ismirovic, Lejla |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Development of a GIS-based optimization tool for wind resource assessment Bhuyan, S.S. |
Master Thesis |
2019 | Bestimmung der Modellunsicherheit bei der Standortbewertung von Windenergieanlagen Boße, M. |
Master Thesis |
2019 | SYSTEMKONTEXT: Modellbildung für nationale Energieversorgungsstrukturen im europäischen Kontext unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zulässigkeit von Vereinfachungen und Aggregationen Böttger, Diana; Dreher, Alexander; Ganal, Irina; Gauglitz, Philip; Geiger, David; Gerlach, Ann-Katrin; Gerhardt, Norman; Harms, Yannic; Härtel, Philipp; Knorr, Kaspar; Jentsch, Mareike; Mende, Denis; Pfennig, Maximilian; Schmitz, Richard; Stappel, Mirjam; Bonin, Michael von |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Biogas2030 - Options for existing biogas plants and further development of biogas production in Germany Daniel-Gromke, J.; Oehmichen, K.; Rensberg, N.; Denysenko, V.; Barchmann, T.; Reinholz, T.; Rühr, C.; Beyrich, W.; Beil, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Lastverschiebungspotentiale von Gebäuden für Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien Dittmer, Holger; Krause, Michael; Eymer, Kerstin; Wolf, Matthias; Leonhardt, Corinna; Schwarz, Wolfgang; König, Immanuel |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Estimation of the Future Electricity Price Surcharge for the Integration of Wind and Solar Power into the Vietnamese Electricity System Do Hiep, T.; Hoffmann, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | A Limit Order Book Based Unit Commitment of a Renewable Energy Unit Portfolio in the European Continuous Intraday Market Dreher, A.; Liebehentze, S.; Wickert, M.; Schuett, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Experimental short-circuit testing of grid-forming inverters in microgrid and interconnected mode Duckwitz, D.; Knobloch, A.; Welck, F.; Becker, T.; Glöckler, C.; Bülo, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Optimized Regional Photovoltaic Forecast Model: Forecasting actual feed-in considering self-consumption Fritz, Rafael; Good, Garrett; Vogt, Stephan; Winter, Kevin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Nature conservation as a driver in wind energy scenarios Gauglitz, P.; Schicketanz, S.; Pape, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Asynchronous Integration of Real-Time Simulators for HIL-based Validation of Smart Grids Gavriluta, C.; Lauss, G.; Strasser, T.I.; Montoya, J.; Brandl, R.; Kotsampopoulos, P. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Comparison and evaluation of different heat pump system representations in energy system analysis models Ghosh, Debraj |
Bachelor Thesis |
2019 | Comparison of spatially and temporally resolved energy system models with a focus on Germany's future power supply Gils, H.C.; Pregger, T.; Flachsbarth, F.; Jentsch, M.; Dierstein, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Cold load pickup model parameters based on measurements in distribution systems Hachmann, C.; Lammert, G.; Hamann, L.; Braun, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Improving the resilience of power system operation - contribution of renewable energies in power system restoration Hachmann, C.; Becker, H.; Haack, J.; Braun, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Erkenntnisse aus digitalisierten Daten von über 3000 Windenergieanlagen im Betrieb Hahn, B.; Faulstich, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | O&M and Reliability Data Collection in Europe and International Guidelines Hahn, Berthold |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Predictive Maintenance - Making use of operational experience with wind turbines through digitized information Hahn, Berthold; Faulstich, Stefan |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Demand Response-Based Operation Model in Electricity Markets With High Wind Power Penetration Hajibandeh, N.; Shafie-khah, M.; Talari, S.; Dehghan, S.; Amjady, N.; Mariano, S.J.P.S.; Catalao, J.P.S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Costs of wind energy modeling Hand, M. Maureen; Berkhout, Volker; Schwabe, Paul; Weir, David; Wiser, Ryan |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2019 | The Use of Probabilistic Forecasts: Applying them in Theory and Practice Haupt, Sue Ellen; Casado, Mayte Garcia; Davidson, Michael; Dobschinski, Jan; Du, Pengwei; Lange, Matthias; Miller, Timothy; Möhrlen, Corinna; Motley, Amber; Pestana, Rui; Zack, John |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Netzwiederaufbau unter Berücksichtigung zukünftiger Kraftwerksstrukturen - Netz:Kraft Heckmann, W. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Netzwiederaufbau unter Berücksichtigung zukünftiger Kraftwerksstrukturen - Netz:Kraft Heckmann, W. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | NETZ:KRAFT. Netzwiederaufbau unter Berücksichtigung zukünftiger Kraftwerksstrukturen. Öffentlicher Abschlussbericht Heckmann, W.; Becker, H.; Hachmann, C.; Spanel, U.; Bernhart, A.; Müller-Mienack, M.; Shan, W.; Welck, F.; Wecker, M.; Nuschke, M.; Hau, D.; Wunderlich, M.; Akbulut, A.; Pabon, L.; Liebehentze, S.; Görig, B.; Lafferte, D.; Klingmann, A.; Valov, M.; Fetzer, D.; Fischbach, K.; Paschedag, T.; Lammert, G.; Hof, M.; Bülo, T.; Hardt, C.; Mahr, F.; Jaworski, M.; Schäfer, N.; Nölle, C.; Lohmeier, D.; Rittger, C.; Brandl, R. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Black start of electricity grids through biogas CHP Plants Heckmann, Wolfram |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power Holttinen, Hannele; Kiviluoma, Juha; Levy, Thomas; Jun, Liu; Eriksen, Peter Borre; Orths, Antje; Cutululis, Nicolaos; Silva, Vera; Neau, Emmanuel; Dobschinski, Jan; Roon, Serafin von; Dillon, Jody; Flynn, Damien; Carlini, Enrico Maria; et al. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Scenario Data on the OpenEnergyPlatform - SzenarienDB on the OEP. A web-platform to improve transparency and reproducibility of energy systems analyses Hülk, L.; Hofmann, C.; Koetter, E.; Reder, K.; Pape, C.; Stappel, M.; Förster, H.; Emele, L.; Winger, C.; Glauer, M.; Mossakowski, T. |
Poster |
2019 | LowEx communities - Optimised performance of energy supply systems with exergy principles (Annex 64) Jansen, Sabine; Fremouw, Michiel; Meggers, Forrest; Guo, Hongshan; Schmidt, Ralf-Roman; Maguerite, Charlotte; Martinac, Ivo; Kayo, Genku; Wang, Cong; Gudmundsson, Oddgeir; Brand, Marek; Lund Nielsen, Klaus; Svendsen, Svend; Harrestrup, Maria; Yang, Xiaochen; Sager-Klauss, Christina; Orozaliev, Janybek; Best, Isabelle; Baranski, Marc; Sangi, Roozbeh; Saydi, Saeed; Dammel, Frank; Falk, Paul-Michael; Willems, Eric; Op't Veld, Peter; Baldi, Marta Giulia; Caputo, Paola; Zagarella, Frederica; Kilkis, Siir |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Forecasting Vertical Power Flows at Transmission Grid Nodes characterized by high Penetration of Renewable Generation and Consumption Jost, Dominik; Braun, Axel; Brauns, Katharina; Dobschinski, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Optimizing multi-lidar measurements for wind park planning Jäger, Florian; Callies, Doron; Pauscher, Lukas |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Competitive cross-voltage level procurement of reactive power considering reliable capacity from wind and photovoltaics Kaempf, E.; Ernst, B.; Braun, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Coupled Heat and Electricity supply of Districts - Analysis of innovative district heating supply options considering technical, economic and regulatory aspects Kallert, A.; Yu, Y.J.; Cronbach, D.; Kneiske, T.M.; Behringer, L.; Doderer, H.; Hoppe, F. |
Meeting Abstract |
2019 | Decarbonization of energy system using low temperature district heating systems. Activities on low temperature district heating systems and hybrid network structures within the DHC IEA Programme Kallert, A.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, R.-R. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Potenziale für die Transformation der Fernwärmeversorgung in Deutschland - Identifikation und Analyse gebäudeseitiger Maßnahmen zur Absenkung der Rücklauftemperatur in Fernwärmesystemen Kallert, A.; Schuring, M.; Yu, Y.J.; Lamvers, E. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | EBC Annex 64 LowEx Communities: Optimised Performance of Energy Supply Systems with Exergy Principles Kallert, A.; Schmidt, D. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Modelling and simulation of low-temperature district heating systems for the development of an exergy-based assessment method Kallert, Anna Marie Dagmar |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2019 | A novel multi-LiDAR system for accurate wind and turbulence measurements in complex terrain - State of the project Khadiri Yazami, Zouhair; Callies, Doron; Bosewitz, Matthias; Vöcking, Phileas; Baulig, Claudia; Klaas, Björn; Predehl, Katharina |
Poster |
2019 | Monitoring der Direktvermarktung von Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien. Quartalsbericht (06/2019) Klobasa, Marian; Lux, Benjamin; Pfluger, Benjamin; Bonin, Michael von; Gerhardt, Norman; Antoni, Johannes; Nill, Dennis; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon; Holzhammer, Uwe |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Monitoring der Direktvermarktung von Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien. Quartalsbericht (03/2019) Klobasa, Marian; Lux, Benjamin; Pfluger, Benjamin; Bonin, Michael von; Gerhardt, Norman; Antoni, Johannes; Nill, Dennis; Schäfer-Stradowsky, Simon; Holzhammer, Uwe |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Testing a model predictive control algorithm for a PV-CHP hybrid system on a laboratory test-bench Kneiske, T.M.; Niedermeyer, F.; Boelling, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Common dimensioning of frequency restoration reserve capacities for European load-frequency control blocks Knorr, Kaspar; Dreher, Alexander; Böttger, Diana |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | REstable - Improvement of renewables-based system services through better interaction of European control zones. Final report Knorr, Kaspar; Liebelt, Andreas; Nagel, Jannic; Strahlhoff, Julia |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Weiße Flecken in der digitalen Vernetzung der Energiewirtschaft. IuK-Ansätze und -Lösungen Knorr, Kaspar; Schütt, Jonathan; Strahlhoff, Julia; Kroschewski, Theresa; Siegl, Stefan; Werner, Uta; Willner, A.; Eckert, K.-P.; Wolf, A.; Lämmel, Philipp; Hasse, P. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Forecasting of wind power curtailment events Koch, Jonas; Jost, Dominik; Braun, Axel; Dobschinsik, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Entwicklung und Bewertung innovativer Energieversorgungssysteme am Beispiel des Fraunhofer-Neubaus in Kassel Krause, M. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Control of Photovoltaic Systems for Enhanced Short-Term Voltage Stability and Recovery Lammert, G.; Premm, D.; Ospina, L.D.P.; Boemer, J.C.; Braun, M.; Cutsem, T. van |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Monetary-based Availability: A novel Approach to Assess the Performance of Wind Turbines Lutz, Marc-Alexander; Cernusko, Robert; Görg, Philip; Faulstich, Stefan; Pfaffel, Sebastian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Component-based Wind Turbine Health Monitoring using Support Vector Machines on Operational and Event Data Lutz, Marc-Alexander |
Bachelor Thesis |
2019 | Evaluation of energy losses in low voltage distribution grids with high penetration of distributed generation Ma, C.; Menke, J.-H.; Dasenbrock, J.; Braun, M.; Haslbeck, M.; Schmid, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | A novel indicator for evaluation of the impact of distributed generations on the energy losses of low voltage distribution grids Ma, C.; Dasenbrock, J.; Töbermann, J.-C.; Braun, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | A Journey Through Energy Systems Integration: Trending Grid Codes, Standards, and IEC Collaboration Macdowell, J.; Wang, Y.; Quint, R.; Chi, Y.; Ernst, B.; Saylors, S.; Jacobson, D.; Andresen, B.; Sorensen, P.E.; Portales, R.; Brake, D.; Zavadil, B.; Robinson, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Umfrage zu digitalen Plattformen für die Windenergiebranche. Ergebnisbericht Machill, B.; Berkhout, V. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Transient simulation of wind flow over complex and forested terrain with time dependent inlet wind conditions using OpenFOAM Mahendra, Reddy Devagiri |
Master Thesis |
2019 | CIM CGMES-extensions for the TSO-DSO data exchange in the EU-project "TDX-ASSIST" Marten, F.; Hammermeister, I.; Ringelstein, J.; Requardt, B.; Braun, M. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | CIM CGMES-extensions for the TSO-DSO data exchange in the EU-project "TDX-ASSIST" Marten, F.; Hammermeister, I.; Ringelstein, J.; Requardt, B.; Braun, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Supervised morphogenesis: Exploiting morphological flexibility of self-assembling multirobot systems through cooperation with aerial robots Mathews, N.; Christensen, A.L.; Stranieri, A.; Scheidler, A.; Dorigo, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Methoden zur operativen Umsetzung der 3% Spitzenkappung Meier, F.; Wiemer, J.; Töbermann, C.; Braun, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Power system benchmark generation methodology Meinecke, S.; Bornhorst, N.; Braun, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | A co-simulation of flexibility market based congestion management in Northern Germany Meißner, Anna Christin; Dreher, Alexander; Knorr, Kaspar; Vogt, Mike; Zarif, Hojat; Jürgens, Lucas; Grasenack, Martin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | The importance of efficiency in the building sector for the achievement of long-term climate protection targets Mellwig, P.; Pehnt, M.; Oehsen, A. von; Blömer, S.; Lempik, J.; Werle, M.; Langenheld, A.; Ganal, I.; Gerhardt, N.; Becker, S.; Schmidt, D.; Ladermann, A.; Linke, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Distribution system monitoring for smart power grids with distributed generation using artificial neural networks Menke, J.-H.; Bornhorst, N.; Braun, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Integrated renewable energy systems for Germany - A model-based exploration of the decision space Nacken, L.; Krebs, F.; Fischer, T.; Hoffmann, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Flexibilisierung des Strombedarfs durch ereignisbezogene Anreize und Gamification Nestle, D.; Dörre, E.; Appen, J. von |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Social Energy Management for Energy Efficient Building Operation Nestle, D.; Appen, J. von; Dörre, E. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Carbon neutral power supply for Galapagos Island Isabela Niedermeyer, F.; Karres, S. |
Poster |
2019 | Power system stability analysis for system-split situations with increasing shares of inverter based generation Nuschke, M.; Winter, B.O.; Strauß-Mincu, D.; Engel, B. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Flexibility from energy systems integration: Supporting synergies among sectors Orths, A.; Anderson, C.L.; Brown, T.; Mulhern, J.; Pudjianto, D.; Ernst, B.; O'Malley, M.; McCalley, J.; Strbac, G. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Concept Development and Automation for a Benchmark Oriented Weak Point Analysis of Wind Turbines Pape, Kai |
Bachelor Thesis |
2019 | KPIS for wind plant performance and reliability Pfaffel, S. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Anwendungspotenziale moderner Methoden in Betrieb und Service von Windenergieanlagen Pfaffel, S.; Faulstich, S.; Dietrich, E.; Kaffel, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Recommended key performance indicators for operational management of wind turbines Pfaffel, Sebastian; Faulstich, Stefan; Sheng, Shawn |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Die Umsetzung der Wärmewende findet lokal in unseren Städten und Quartieren statt! Pieper, Annika; Kallert, Anna |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Spannungskonstanthalter für Industrienetze - Maßnahmen gegen Spannungseinbrüche Reimann, Thorsten; Kannan, Arun; Strauß-Mincu, Diana; Wolff, Hannes |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Spannungskonstanthalter für Industrienetze - Maßnahmen gegen Spannungseinbrüche Reimann, Thorsten; Kannan, Arun; Strauß-Mincu, Diana; Wolff, Hannes; Ebel, Thomas |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Wege in die Digitalisierung - "ModernWindABS - Ein Kooperationsbeispiel" Ringhandt, Axel; Berkhout, Volker |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | Digitization of the Energy System Rohrig, K.; Krauß, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Powering the 21st century by wind energy - Options, facts, figures Rohrig, K.; Berkhout, V.; Callies, D.; Durstewitz, M.; Faulstich, S.; Hahn, B.; Jung, M.; Pauscher, L.; Seibel, A.; Shan, M.; Siefert, M.; Steffen, J.; Collmann, M.; Czichon, S.; Dörenkämper, M.; Gottschall, J.; Lange, B.; Ruhle, A.; Sayer, F.; Stoevesandt, B.; Wenske, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | GIS-Energy Wolfhagen - Die kommunale Energiewende mit GIS fördern und begleiten Sager-Klauß, Christina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Bayesian parameterisation of a regional photovoltaic model - Application to forecasting Saint-Drenan, Y.-M.; Vogt, S.; Killinger, S.; Bright, J.M.; Fritz, R.; Potthast, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | LowEx Communities - Optimised Performance of Energy Supply Systems with Exergy Principles Schmidt, D.; Kallert, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Energiesysteme für die Stadt der Zukunft Schmidt, D. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Lokale und regionale Sektorenkopplung in Regionen, Städten und Quartieren Schmidt, D.; Maydell, K. von; Gils, H.-C.; Stryi-Hipp, G.; Horst, J.; Fichtner, W. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Analyse der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Detailgrade in einem Kraftwerkseinsatzmodell Schmitz, Richard |
Master Thesis |
2019 | Calorimeter for exact determination of power losses Schnabel, Fabian; Jung, Marco |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Konzeption und Programmierung eines Frameworks für Verifikationsverfahren für Windenergie und Photovoltaik Schönborn, Alexander |
Bachelor Thesis |
2019 | Flexibilitäten in der Industrie intelligent nutzen - Potenziale heute und im Strommarkt der Zukunft! Selzam, P. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | SimBench: Open source time series of power load, storage and generation for the simulation of electrical distribution grids Spalthoff, C.; Sarajlic, D.; Kittl, C.; Drauz, S.; Kneiske, T.; Rehtanz, C.; Braun, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Development and application of KPIs for the evaluation of the control reserve supply by a cross-border renewable virtual power plant Strahlhoff, J.; Liebelt, A.; Siegl, S.; Camal, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Real-Time Scheduling of Demand Response Options Considering the Volatility of Wind Power Generation Talari, S.; Shafie-Khah, M.; Chen, Y.; Wei, W.; Gaspar, P.D.; Catalao, J.P.S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Gesamtsystemsimulation der Modellregion. NEW 4.0 Poster Vogt, Mike; Knorr, Kaspar; Kopiske, Jakob |
Poster |
2019 | Wind Power Forecasting Based on Deep Neural Networks and Transfer Learning Vogt, Stephan; Braun, Axel; Dobschinski, Jan; Sick, Bernhard |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | First Steps towards a Microservice Architecture for Virtual Power Plants Wickert, M.; Liebehentze, S.; Zündorf, A. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | PV Power Forecast Comparison of Physical and Machine Learning Models Winter, Kevin; Beinert, Dominik; Vogt, Stephan; Fritz, Raphael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Potential Analysis for the Monetary Based Maintenance Optimization of Wind Turbines Yalcinkaya, Mehmet Alp |
Master Thesis |
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica
This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica