/  December 01, 2010  -  October 30, 2014

IEA Wind Task 33 – Reliability Data

Standardization of data collection for wind turbine reliability and operation & maintenance analyses

Funding: BMU
Duration: 1.12.2010 – 30.11.2014
Editers: Berthold Hahn (Project manager), Stefan Faulstich, Paul Kühn


IEA Wind Task 33 addresses the data collection and failure statistics in the wind energy sector to agree on standards and overall structures. Standardized reliability data will facilitate effective analysis and the wide applicability of results. Task 33 aims to use reliability data to support improving reliability and optimizing O&M procedures of wind turbines through the use of reliability data.

In March 2011, the 65th International Energy Agency (IEA) Topical Experts Meeting was hosted in Kassel, Germany by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE (formerly Fraunhofer IWES), to discuss »International statistical analysis on wind turbine failures.« An important outcome of that meeting was the realization that a cooperative framework was needed to align the various national and international efforts to collect information about the reliability of wind turbines. Specifically, participants identified the need for a new IEA Wind task regarding the format of data collection and procedures for analysis and reporting of wind turbine reliability. The new task was driven by the following:

  • The presence of extensive national research projects dedicated to reliability analyses on wind turbine failures, in an environment where a consolidated, international exchange had only partially taken place.
  • The increasing future demands on reliability and profitability of wind energy, especially offshore, requiring the optimization of wind-turbine maintenance including appropriate data management and sophisticated decision-support tools.
  • The existence of several national working groups on appropriate standards for operations and maintenance of wind power plants.

IEA Wind Task 33, Reliability Data, was approved by the IEA Wind Executive Committee in October 2011. Task 33 has 3 subtasks, covering reliability Experience, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.
The objectives of the task are:

  1. Provide an international open platform for regular and continuous exchange of experience and progress from individual research activities and existing measurement projects on failure statistics on wind turbines.
  2. Development of »Recommended Practices for Reliability Data« [this report].
  3. Identify areas for further research and development as well as standardization needs.