Research OTELLO

OTELLO - Operational Technical Strategies for Economic Load and Lifetime Optimization for Wind Energy Assets

Partners MesH Engineering GmbH, anemos Gesellschaft für Umweltmeteorologie mbH
Funding Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026

Researchers Fraunhofer IEE Fabian Thalemann (Project Manager), Florian Rehwald (Project Manager), Arne Wessel, Philipp Brosche, Phillip Kretschmer, Debraj Ghosh, Sven Liebehentze, Alexander Dreher, Volker Berkhout, Garrett Good  

Project Description

The current wind farm operating strategy is to maximize the energy yield of individual turbines within a fixed turbine lifetime. The OTELLO project is developing new operational management strategies that take into account the complex situation of fluctuating electricity market prices, variable LCOE and technical wear and tear. As a follow-up project to KORVA, OTELLO aims to integrate short-term forecasts of wind speed, turbulence intensity and electricity prices into operational management. This enables the calculation of economically optimal operating schedules for the coming days, allowing the wind farm to exploit its full economic potential. Finally, OTELLO transfers all scientific results into a marketable software product.